

Hace una horita salía por última vez (al menos planeada) del despacho de mi psicoloko. Q nostalgia. Rompía el silencio en mis oídos mentales las primeras notas de "Claro de luna" de Beethoven. Siempre lo hace cuando me siento sentimental por algún momento particular, como el efecto q le producía al chico de American Beauty el ver la bolsita bailando en el viento. Y este frío invierno, q para mí empezó en febrero, tuvo muchos de esos momentos con mi Buenos Aires querida triste y bohemia. Tanto ha cambiado desde la primera vez q entraba en ese despacho. Me sentía tan vacío, tan falto de objetivos en la vida, tan insípido. Y ahora por fin le estoy empezando a sentir el gustito a la vida. En vdd, desde hace un tiempo. Pero hoy se selló el fin de mi tragedia (autoinventada, pero en fin...). No poder admirar más a fondo la magnitud de mi logro, del momento, me molesta un poco, pero no me importa. Ahora quedan un par de cosas más para resolver, como siempre las habrá, y algunas para reconstruir, pero tengo una esperanza reencontrada.
Y ahora vuelvo entonces a la búsqueda de mi felicidad, como todos lo hacemos, supongo. Y empecé a leer un libro q me recomendó mi viejo, sobretodo al verme preocupado por la aún pospuesta decisión de mi vocación. Leí un capítulo y ya me encantó. Tiene muchas cosas admirables. Su título? "El éxito de los perezosos". Pues ahora q me estoy conviertiendo en un vago (antes era muy estudioso, pero cada vez tengo más paja...) me viene bárbaro. Lo q dice es q "trabajar duro" no necesariamente lleva a la felicidad y al éxito, éste último comprendido en términos individuales, no los generales típicos del capitalismo. La idea es vivir como uno realmente quiere ahora y hacer tan sólo lo q lo hace feliz, porque lo demás no importa o no nos hace feliz y a veces luchamos mucho por cosas irrelevantes, perdiendo tiempo, energías y sacrificando muchas cosas en el camino. No dista mucho del mensaje del ciudadano Kane, pero aún así no creo q el mensaje haya terminado de transmitirse a nuestra sociedad. Y aún hay personas q salen de ver esa y otras pelis, como American Beauty y Fight Club y siguen sin captar el mensaje. Encontramos otro engaño del capitalismo. El dinero no importa y trabajar duro es tan sólo para alimentar el sistema sin alma. Del capitalismo no habla el libro, por supuesto, sólo yo q cada vez encuentro más desventajas individuales a este sistema globalizado. En casi todo aspecto.
Algunos pasajes del libro:

  • Trabaja menos y piensa más

  • Concéntrate en lo que realmente importa y deja de lado casi todo lo demás

  • Dedícate regularmente al ocio creativo

  • Dedica más esfuerzos a simplificar tu vida que a complicártela

  • Vive la vida en tus propios términos, y no el los del otro

  • En esta era de actividad incesante, la mayor parte de las personas se ve privada de tiempo hasta quedar agotada. Contrariamente a lo que afirma la sabiduría popular, no tiene por qué ser así. En realidad, no hay escasez de tiempo. La gente desperdicia el tiempo en actividades insignificantes, luchando por objetivos que en nada conribuyen a su éxito y felicidad".



    Soja transgénica

    Me pidieron para mi aburrida clase de Biología 08 q investigara la siembra de soja transgénica. Lo q encontré es bastante interesante. Si a alguien le gusta enterarse de problemas ecológicos o enterarse de otra alta indignación nacional, les recomiendo q lean el siguiente artículo q prácticamente hizo el trabajo por mi:

    Soja transgénica: ¿Gran negocio o política de dominación?



    Las palabras de los otros (Woody, las miradas no lo son todo)

    NOTA: cuando terminé este post no tuve ganas de publicarlo. Estaba entre las ganas de hacerlo y lo poco entendido q sería y la futilidad resultante. En fin, lo publiqué porque ya había dado marcha atrás muchas veces antes...

    "Es aburrido" comentaron en el último post de los blogs de Abi y Rop. Lo digo tan alegremente xq sé q la persona q lo escribió no va a leer mi blog. Pero no era aburrido. Era aburrido para esa persona, yo me cagué de la risa. Sin embargo, la forma en q lo dijo implicaba dos cosas. La primera es la generalización: el post es universalmente aburrido, no importa quién lo lea. La segunda es q si los demás después dicen q estuvo divertido, sus afirmaciones van a tener mucha menor fuerza q en ausencia del comment ortiva, o va a sonar como su análogo hipócrita acostumbrado en nuestra sociedad, el de compromiso.
    De más está decir q los argumentos se omiten absolutamente. Paradójicamente, esto no hace q la afirmación pierda sentido o validez, sino q cualquier forma de kerer desmentirla lo hace.
    A kién culpar de todo esto? No sé si se sentirán identificados o no con lo q digo. No sé si no entenderán el ejemplo. Les recomiendo q busquen otros, xq hay a patadas. Esto es algo q sucede frecuentemente. Algo q en las carreras científicas sobretodo cuesta eliminar de los razonamientos de los estudiantes. Volviendo a lo anterior: a quién culpamos? A la sociedad? A la falta de honestidad de las personas? Por ahí a la cobardía de aquel q no quiere afrontar las consecuencias de sus palabras. Por ahí a los sensibles q no kieren herir orgullos o a los susceptibles de orgullos frágiles.
    En fin, pequeñas incógnitas q si uno se pone a pensar (o si yo me pongo a pensar), no encuentra verdaderas respuestas absolutas, sólo hipótesis (q con tan sólo decirlas sin justificación ni nada q las sustente van a incurrir en la invalidez referida en este post).
    Cuando algo tiene o adquiere o le asignamos tanta veracidad tiene un efecto abrumador en nosotros. Espero q Abby no se haya sentido mal por el comment q recibió, aunque pareció tomarlo bien. Yo soy menos fuerte q ella y a veces me vuelvo loko pensando en algo q me dijeron.
    Ya sé q parece q este post es agresivo hacia alguien o busca acusar a la gente. Mi intención no es ofender a persona alguna. Quiero describir esos pensamientos y sentimientos q cruzan mi cabeza en este momento. Supongo q justamente para sacarlos de allí. Es más, me critico más a mi mismo por entender tan bien todo lo q acabo de explicar y q aún así esas simples palabras adquieran semejante significación.

    PD: No por esto dejen de comentar. Pero si tienen algo negativo q decir, apóyenlo con fundamentos por favor, así se convierte en algo constructivo en vez de desestabilizante. Thanks :)



    Nos plagiaron! (de vuelta)

    OK, cuando me enteré q K-Pax era un total plagio de "Hombre mirando al Sudeste" (peli argentina) no me molesté tanto. No sé por qué fue, si porque pasó mucho tiempo entre cada una de las pelis o por si la actualizaron un poco y eso... Pero cuando vi el trailer de "Criminal" me indigné completamente. Véanlo y díganme a q les huele:

  • Criminal

  • Si tu respuesta es Nueve Reinas, sí! Los hijos de puta nos plagiaron Nueve Reinas ahora!! (Y encima con Diego Luna!). Spread the word! Nos nos pueden joder así!!

    PD: En vdd no estoy seguro de si les habremos vendido los derechos de autor y una vez me habían dicho q el guión de Nueve Reinas lo habían hecho en Nueva York o algo... Aún así, awante Nueve Reinas!



    Fucked up life. Chapter 5.

    I got to the park. I walked along the diagonal street crossing it. It was autumn. The brown and yellow leaves fallen from the trees danced gracefully in the warm wind. For a second I got distracted by a particular pair that were descending slowly. Then, I noticed something right behind them. The leaves kept falling, but my eyes were no longer set on them. They were set on me, on myself far away from me, on my reflection which confused me for a second. It was us. We drew our guns and started the duel. Everything was moving fast, everything was a blur. Run, duck, take cover, aim, shoot, shoot, dodge, aim, shoot, shoot. People were screaming and running. Honestly, we weren't aware of them, so we might have shot them without even noticing. Dust shot by his legs, cut grass by mine. Only his image was reflected in my eye. Reload. Only seconds had passed but it seemed an eternity rushing by. We were getting tired. I was starting to take awareness of my wounds. We were too good. Finally, in a split-second mistake, I felt two stings in my chest.

    Bang bang, he shot me down
    Bang bang, I hit the ground
    Bang bang, that awful sound
    Bang bang, my brother shot me down.

    I felt hard on the floor on my back. The adrenaline still rushing through my veins, the sweat on my forehead becoming little drops travelling through my face into the ground. The sky was clear blue, I hadn't noticed before. I heard his approaching steps crushing of the grass.
    -Hi, Mike.
    -Hello, Robert.
    -Long time no see-. I tried to aim one of my guns which I still held in my hand, but he fiercely kicked them both out of reach. That was about it for me. -I've waited so long for this moment...
    Yes, some time before we had been true brothers. We actually had loved each other. Robert was the younger one. He was raised only by my dad, not given the priviledge of knowing my mother, and by Sarah and I. Sarah was all legal, I was all crime. Robert had outsmarted us. While we had thought he was going to become either one or the other, he took something from both and created a more perfect situation for himself. He was a lawyer and he worked for the organised crime. He defended criminals and was a criminal. That hadn't been a problem since we helped each other through our first days. But then, we ended up destroying each other.
    -..., so don't take it away from me, bro-. He aimed.
    -W...Wait, Robert.
    -You're not seriously trying to make your way out of this one, are you? Because I'll tell you: nothing will disuade me.
    -I... I'm done Robert. You have already ki... killed me-. It was becoming harder and harder to speak-. P... Please, lean c...closer- I said almost in a whisper.
    -What do you want, Mike? I really think I'm running out of time here.
    -J... just... I wanna say... I'm sorry-. His facial expression changed. He hadn't thought I was capable of that-. It... it was all my fault. I shouldn't have gone there...
    My reason to be in enmity with my own brother was that he had shot the only woman I've ever loved. Since the first moment we saw each other we knew we were right for each other. We fell wildly in love. His reason to kill me was pretty much the same. She was his wife. We both felt our honour at stake. He started chasing me, I started to run. He ruined my reputation in the circles of crime we had entered together. I was ruined because of him, because of all that. He leant closer. I got up enough to put my arms over his shoulders.
    -I'm sorry- I said giving him a hug. He responded. -Brothers come first. Family comes first. It was her... It was love... She should've loved you the same way you loved her. That was unfair and my betrail was unfair...-. He interrupted the hug. 10.
    -Fine, I'll leave you here. You ain't gonna live anyway. Good bye, bro. Good luck in hell-. 9.
    -Yeah... you too...-. 8.
    Robert was better shooter than I was. Even without having been hit by a car I wouldn't have won the duel. Robert was actually an excellent shooter. Therefore, he had one disadvantadge. He didn't know when a wound was lethal. He had never been shot. This was my third time on the floor with two holes in my body. I just knew I wasn't gonna die. Robert didn't know this. He also didn't know another thing, because he didn't see my hand holding in one finger a granade's ring. Robert hadn't been in the streets either. He hadn't had to learn the stealings tricks that kept you alive, he didn't know how to put your hand into somebody's pocket without him noticing, and he couldn't notice when somedy was doing that to him either. I kept looking into the sky, crystal blue. 7. Suddenly, I realised all my problems had gone away. Suddenly, I realised no one was after me anymore. 6. No one in the crime circles knew me and Jack, and I was free of all debt. I didn't own anyone. 5. My breathing had slowed down and I found myself again in the same place than before. 4. We had been too focused on honour and not in fraternity or forgiveness. 3. I thought I was finally able to forgive him. Bur anyway, I couldn't risk Jack's future. 2. He became aware of his new property when he tried to pocket one of his guns. 1, 0.
    Blinded by the intense light and defeaned by the roaring sound, I felt I was reaching total clarity of mind and coming to a revealing conclusion. Ted was right. While the sky flashed golden and I was splattered by a shower of blood, I realised I had been living in denial. I had hold on to a everlasting grudge and lived sunk in my ilussion of sadness. No one will ever replace her, but that wasn't the matter. The matter was I shouldn't stop living because she had. I had suffered enough for her death. I could put my life back together. I could start working, get an apartment. I could be Jack's father. Two years from now I could contact Joseline again and maybe start something together... I couldn't believe it, I was free. I could finally move on and leave behind my fucked up life.


    Traducción para Chirli: Vida Transtornada

    PD: Inspirado por las clases de IPC (del embole q me estaba pegando, me puse a pensar y me di cuenta q hacía mucho q no escribía alguna historia y lentamente fue tomando forma esta).



    Bariló!! :'(

    Esta semana se cumple un interesante aniversario. Hace un año, estaba en Bariló. Los q fueron, saben exactamente a qué me refiero, y los q no, no hay forma de hacerles comprender lo q significa. Y en el micro de ida, se me ocurrió un... no-sé-cómo-llamarlo:

    Give me a bad reason to help,
    and I will help.
    Gime me a good reason to run,
    and I won't stop.
    Give me three excelent reasons to fight,
    or else I won't.
    Give me ten perfect reasons to go to war,
    or I won't let you.



    La mejor noticia en mucho, mucho, mucho tiempo

    Augusto says:
    Hola Mauro , estas ahí ?
    Spike says:
    Augusto says:
    Tengo una muy buena noticia para vos
    Spike says:
    cómo la están pasando?
    Augusto says:
    La estamos pasando de maravillas.
    Spike says:
    q hicieron hoy?
    Augusto says:
    Hoy estuvimos todo el día en la playa y ahora estamos en el depto de Manoel.
    Spike says:
    lindos días?
    Augusto says:
    Hoy hizo 29 grados de temperatura y un día espectacular.
    Augusto says:
    Comimos en la playa y todo.
    Spike says:
    wow, q copadooo
    Spike says:
    che, cual era la buena noticia?
    Augusto says:
    Tanto vuelved el pájaro al cántaro......
    Spike says:
    Augusto says:
    Tu Mamá y Yo ahora que tenemos tiempo estamos hablando
    Augusto says:
    y hablando y hablando pensamos en tu formación personal y profesional
    Augusto says:
    Vos sabés que te queremos mucho.
    Augusto says:
    Que junto con Rocío sos una de las personas más importabtes del mundo para nosotros
    Augusto says:
    Y bueno estuvimnos pensamo.....
    Augusto says:
    La verdad que ya practicamente lo tenemos decidido.
    Spike says:
    Spike says:
    Spike says:
    me van a dar la orientación vocacional?
    Augusto says:
    Spike says:
    Spike says:
    Augusto says:
    Spike says:
    Spike says:
    me vas a comprar una pentium! :D
    Spike says:
    Augusto says:
    Spike says:
    Spike says:
    Spike says:
    pará, es posta o es un chiste?
    Augusto says:
    La misma guita que le demos a Rocío por sus 15 anos ó sea (censurado).
    Spike says:
    Augusto says:
    Te lo vamos a dar a vos también. La miama cabtidad.
    Augusto says:
    Che está aquí Mamá contale si vino Patricia y como está la abue.
    Spike says:
    Spike says:
    <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o) <:o)
    Augusto says:
    Rocio está por ahí ?
    Spike says:
    i'm so happyyyyyyy
    Spike says:
    si, ahí va
    Spike says:
    Augusto says:
    mauro ahora yo mama
    Augusto says:
    mealegra que estes contento


    World Maps

    Miren esta pag de planisferios un poco alterados (un insulto a la geografía, pero aún así algo graciosos):

  • World Maps

  • Fool's World Map

  • Mandé uno q hice yo, pero en caso de q no llegue o no me lo publiquen, lo pongo acá:


    Del día

    Frases del día (de ayer en vdd):
    "Con mi inteligencia y tu... estem... tu... ayuda, vamos a poder..." (Los Simpson)
    "Goelogy rocks!" (F·R·I·E·N·D·S)

    Sueño del día:
    Estoy en el zoológico con mi familia. Nada más q aparentemente estamos en una de las piletas en las q están los animales, pero no hay animales. Estamos en una excursión, con más gente. Y llegamos a una orilla en la cual el guía abre una cerca y empieza a repartir pajitas con globos atados a un extremo para ir a visitar no sé qué animal. Uno de los primeros en salir del agua y buscar su pajita es Castels. Yo tb voy, pero se acaban las pajitas y me quedo en la pileta...
    (Esto hubiera sido todo un desafío para Freud!)

    Moraleja: no debo dormir más 10 h seguidas y llegar a esa maldita etapa del sueño onírica.



    Fucked up life. Chapter 4.

    It was too early in the morning. I couldn't barge in her house with Jack there. Had to wait till he went to school. I went home. I sat down for a moment. Someone's here. I can feel it. There! I drew out my gun and pointed. It was just to scare the guy, since I had no more bullets. It wasn't a guy.
    -What are you doing here?
    -I couldn't sleep.
    -Go home. I can't be seen with you.
    -Why? What happened? Did you go to talk to him?
    -Yeah, kind of... -. I had left running without explaining my intentions.
    -You were so mad when I told you... What happened?
    -If we start hanging out again, someone will think I killed him.
    -You killed him??
    -Look. You can't be here, OK? Yeah, I did. I couldn't help myself. He fucking desserved it. And you too -. She was shocked, but not freaked out. Not glad, either. She stood up.
    -OK, I'm leaving.
    -When will I be seeing you?
    -Never-. I closed the door. I heard a couple of sobs and her footsteps later, leaving. I couldn't deal with her. It was better if she thought we'd never see each other again. I was better if we never saw each other again. I had more urgent shit I needed to take care of. I slept a couple of hours. I took my gun with me. I walked to her home. But on my way, I thought I had recognised someone. I couldn't believe it. It was him. That fucking asshole! I ran as fast as I could towards him. I had an advantadge: he still hadn't spoted me. At the sound of my furious running he reacted and turned around. When he saw me he showed the greatest fear. He ran as fast as he could too. I was getting tired, but I wouldn't give up. I reached his coat and pulled with all my strength. He stopped and started to fight me. He was nothing against me. I hit him so hard he quicky started bleeding all over his face. We were starting to atract attention to ourselves, so I pushed him into a dark alley. He was moving desespetatly under my firm tight arms. I pushed him to the ground, pinning him to the floor.
    -Wh- What do you want from me??
    -Where's the money, you fuck?
    -What are you talking about?
    -Fuck you!-. I got even madder. I started to beat the crap out of him. He yelled, but no one came.
    -SHUT THE FUCK UP! You mother fucker! I should kill you right here and now for what you've done. Who else did you tell about Jack besides Johnson?
    -I'll tell anyone I want to, you stupid piece of shit.
    -That's it!-. I drew out my gun.
    -FUCK! OK, OK! Don't, please!
    -What? You didn't know I was capable of something like this? Didn't you know shit about me?
    -You are no killer!
    -YES I AM! She lied to you so you wouldn't be so afraid, you asshole. BUT YOU SHOULD!
    -OK, OK. Don't kill me, I'll tell you everything! I still have Jack's money with me. I didn't tell anyone else, I swear-. I searched in his coat. I got the money.
    The alley was dim and silent. I remembered many other times I had been in places like that. It produced a special feeling in me. I had got up, but he still hadn't. Too afraid. He thought he had survived. He was wrong. I broke the silence with my gun. A increasingly high murmuring filled the air in the neighborhood. I exited the alley so no one related me to the incident.
    Had the money. Time to return it. I rang her bell. She wasn't happy of hearing my voice.
    -I had some trouble, I just...-. She hanged up. I didn't have time to argue. I broke the glass doors of the building and ran inside. Knocked her door and threw the money at it. -Here you go, you bitch! I solved YOUR problem!
    I ran back out. Few people saw me, but they hardly had time to do anything. OK, that was one problem solved. But I didn't know how the fuck to get that Bobby guy. I felt something picking my back.
    -Keep walking. I have a gun. Do as I say or I'll kill you -said a voice. No way in hell I was getting mugged. I turned around punching the guy's hand and making him drop the gun. I threw a pair of punches at him, but he defended himself. I was surprised by his agility. I kept at it, but he was too good. He knew martial arts. Then, I got a glimpse of his face.
    -Hey, calm down! I was just kiddin'! -said Ted.
    -Hahaha. Yeah, well, be more careful.
    -Yeah, like you could hurt me!
    -How's Sarah? -I asked as I started walking. He followed me.
    -Better than ever. You should see her in action. She kicks butt in court. Way better than your father. I tell you, if I ever get caught on something, I'll come to her-. Ted was my sister's husband and my best friend. My sister worked for my father's successful lawyers buffette. I didn't make it through college. But Sarah did. She lived her life by the book. Except with Ted. Ted was the only true friend I made in the streets. We had been partners for a while and got out of big shit. Then, I once introduced him to my sister. They hit it off right from the beginning.
    -Yeah, she's always been the smart one.
    -So, what are you up to?
    -Well, I'm in deep shit. But I won't drag you into this.
    -No, c'mon, I want to!
    -No, you have come clean now. I'll get you in trouble with the woman.
    -C'mon, tell me something.
    -I'm looking for a guy called Bobby. Any ideas?
    -I don't think I know a Bobby... Unless it is... Robert Spiegel...-. I realised he was right. I kept quiet. I changed the subjet of conversation.
    -How's the old man doing?
    -He's fine. He's still with that woman, Darla.
    -She only wants him for his money, the bitch.
    -Well... I don't know. He says he loves her.
    -Ha, love. He doesn't know what love is.
    -C'mon what?
    -You aren't exactly the definition of lover-. I stopped.
    -What are you talking about?
    -You never were in love-. I got very angry. I grabbed him by the neck.
    -Are you kiddin' me? I almost got killed by love! I HAVE THIS SHITTY LIFE BECAUSE OF LOVE!-. I was shaking him. That ought to teach him. I was wrong.
    -No, Mike. You have this shitty life becuase you chose to. You don't wanna live any other way. You like to wallow in self-pitty. So she died, big deal. It was years ago. Millions of people go through something like that or worse and come out even stronger.
    -SHUT THE FUCK UP! -I cried pushing him to the ground. I turned around furiously and walked away from the asshole. I couldn't believe it. How dared him? He knew better than anyone what I'd gone through. The single fact that destroyed my life, the only time I truly fell in...
    Always look both ways before you cross the street. I didn't know what hit me. Suddenly and for a split second, everything moved quickly, showing me disconnected images. I catched glimpses of the street, the sky, a building and, lastly, the floor. I opened my eyes. All my senses were affected, like working less than they should. I felt defeaned and I saw everything out of focus. Then I made out my hand lying on the asphalt and splattered with blood. I tried to push myself up with my other hand. I barely was able to do it. I raised my torso and I saw drops of blood falling from my face to the ground. My body was aching all over. Slowly, my senses were getting back to me, and also my strength. I finally got up. There weren't too many people in the street. The car that hit me had stopped, and the driver was getting out. Some people were approaching me. I couldn't stay to talk with them. I would go to the police and then they might find out about all the things I had been doing las night and today. I started walking away from them and then ran as fast and as balanced as I could. I finally got home. I went to the bathroom, took a shower and tried to fix my wounds. This was probably the worst that could happen to me. Why did I have to get ran over right NOW? I was going after Robert. I couldn't wait anymore. This surely meant my death, but all I cared was taking him with me. I couldn't go against him this way. My right leg still hurted like hell. I got Johnson's gun and mine and loaded them both. I pocketed some extra rounds of bullets. There was only one solution for my pain and my lack of agility and adrenaline. I set up four lines of the coke I still had and aspired them all at once. This wasn't casuality. This was destiny.



    Vilma me calentó

    Vi Scooby Doo, la peli (se, 'taba muy al pedo). Y de repente, la actriz q encarna a Vilma (o Wilma, o Velma, como sea) me resulta conocida. No sé, en algún lado la vi. Y de repente... me empieza a calentar. Me calienta Vilma!! Oh, diox!! Kién carajo es?? Por más q pensaba y pensaba durante toda la peli, no pude lograr saber kién era. Pero para algo están los créditos al final.

    Sí! Eso q ven ahí es Vilma CON ESCOTE!

    Sí! Es Sam de ER! WEIRD!!
    Conclusión: Linda Cardellini es demasiado multifacética.



    La importancia de tipear bien

    Miren dónde pueden llegar a terminar por tipear mal esta pág:


    Gracias Tincho por el dato!


    Somos seres duales

    Yo no lo kería. Lo evitaba. Constantemente. No lo kiero. Sé q es perjudicial para mí, conozco todos sus riesgos. Pero de repente, me veo de nuevo frente al peligro. Pestañeo y estoy haciendo lo q no debería hacer. Lo estoy haciendo alegremente, casi disfrutándolo. Una parte de mi lo kiere, pero la otra no. No me entiendo.

    Dualismo humano o esquizofrenia? No sé, pero cada día me parezco más a mi vieja...

    PD: Che, comenten algo en los "Fucked up life"! Tan malo es q no tienen nada bueno q decir?? Aunque sea un "copión de mier#@! Eso lo vi en una peli!!" o "Me dio mucha paja, así q no lo leí." Cualquier cosa es buena. Y citando una gran bloggera, "Lo q estés pensando, escribilo".


    Soy un copión

    Ya es por ciclos. Cada un par de meses alguien vuelve a agarrar fascinación por estas cosas y en poco tiempo todos lo copian, y los demás los copian a esos y así. A mi no me van a dejar afuera de este tipo de movimientos.

    Take my Quiz on QuizYourFriends.com!

    Cada vez menos creativos! SI!!



    Sueño alterado

    Dormí poco.
    No kiero dormir siesta, pero me siento cansado. Me tiro un ratito en la cama. Me siento bien... Demasiado bien... Duermo siesta. Me despierto sin ganas de nada. No voy a Tae Kwon Do. No hice casi nada en todo el día por el puto sueño. Se hace de noche. A dormir, pero no puedo, porque no tengo sueño porque dormí siesta.
    Duermo poco.

    Ironía, ironía
    Alguien se ríe de mi vida
    Cómo odio la ironía!


    Fucked up life. Chapter 3.

    Loud music banging in my ears, intoxicating air filling my lungs and almost complete darkness. But everything was movement. I was in a night club. I went to the bar.
    -Yo! Mandy here?
    -'n the bathroom.
    I went to the men's bathroom. I was in a hurry, so I didn't have time to waste in politeness or waiting. I opened the toilets' doors 'til I got the right one. She was giving a guy a blowjob. She turned around in surprise.
    -Mandy, I need to talk to you.
    -What the fuck are you doing? I'm with a costumer!
    -It's an emergency.
    -Fuck off-. I drew out my gun. -OK, OK, calm down.
    We went outside the toilet boot, out of ear shot of his client, who was pissed off as hell, but very too frightened to argue.
    -What do you want?
    -Does Johnson have a boss?
    -Yeah. That was the fucking emergency???
    -Shut up for a second, OK? Does he keep him informed about his business?
    -No, he's totally independent-. Mandy knew all this because Johnson was a client of hers. We man usually confuse sexual intimicy with emotional intimicy and use the bed to talk about our things. But a hucker keeps no secrets.
    -Please, don't talk directly to my face, I can't stand that smell. Doesn't he tell anyone anyone at all?
    -Maybe -she said leaning even closer to me. I covered my nose. -What the fuck is all this about?
    -I killed Johnson.
    -WHAT? You asshole, he was one of my best clients!
    -Hey, I introduced you to him, so if anything, you should thank me!
    -Whatever. You really suck, Mike! Anyway, he has a close friend, Mitch, whom he tells everything. He's a mob boss too, so you're really screwed. You should just get the fuck out of this city.
    -I tried. I can't anymore. Tell me where he lives.
    -What do I know!
    -I think I had his adress somewhere here-. She checked her purse. -I once called him to offer him my services, but he didn't want to know anything about it. I even offered him a free shag... Here it is, you big piece of shit.
    -Thanks. Now go back to sucking your little dick.
    -As if yours is bigger.
    -What was all that about?! -said the client while I was leaving.
    -Sorry, hun. I'll make it up for you. What about if I swallow for free?...

    It wasn't that far. I jumped the fence and broke in through the window. For a mob boss, he was quite sloppy, he didn't have an alarm system or anything. The room I entered was kind of an armory. Guns, knives, granades... I spoted a model of granade which had come in very handy once. I grabbed one. I went to the bedroom. A feeble light was on. I took a look inside. They were asleep. There were two men in the bed, hugged and naked except for their leather sexual outfits. Sex toys were all over the place. They seemed to have got asleep after their act. Everyone's having sex except me... Oh, wait, that's not true. Forgot about my friend. They seemed to love each other by the way they were hugged. I guessed the hairier and older one was Mitch. I drew out my gun and aimed. I pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. I had wasted all of Johnson's bullets. I turned to the armory, but then I saw the computer was on and an e-mail had arrived. It was from Johnson. I opened it. He was telling Mitch all about me and his plans to meet me. Then my heart stopped. Johnson knew about Jack. Almost everything. Someone'd talked. Worst still, the e-mail was sent to someone else, some Bobby guy. Shit was getting more complicated. I erased the e-mail. I stared at Mitch for a moment. Tens of guys would be free of the shit I went through with Johnson if I just put a bullet in his head... Fuck them. They wouldn't do it for me. Anyway, I had done my share with Johnson. I got the fuck out of there. I had bigger issues. I knew who had talked. I had to visit the kid's mother again. Also, maybe Mandy knew who the fuck was Bobby.



    No leo una puta introducción más! Primero me revelan el principio de Crimen y castigo y ahora me revelan el final de Lord of the Flies! La re concha de sus madres!! Se van a hacer coger por perros todos los escritores de introducciones, no pienso leérselas más!
